How to connect ConvertKit
ConvertKit is a leading email marketing tool for bloggers and authors. Showing off recent subscribers from ConvertKit is easy, and takes just a few moments to set up.
Step 1 - Get your ConvertKit API Keys
To connect Fomo with ConvertKit, first log into ConvertKit, click on your avatar in the top right, and select Account settings > General.

Copy down the API key and API secret you see on this page. You may need to click a 'show' button in order to view your API Secret:

Step 2 - Connect Fomo
Inside Fomo, navigate to Notifications, click ‘Add Notifications’, then ‘All Notifications’. Search for 'Convertkit' and click to open the integration.
Click to connect, then paste in your API Key and API Secret from your ConvertKit account.
Note: Fomo does not modify anything on your ConvertKit account -- we have a readonly connection.

Step 3 - Whitelist a ConvertKit Tag (Optional)
If you'd like to only import ConvertKit subscribers with a specific tag, e.g. "download_ebook," provide that in the input below the API Keys.
To show off all new ConvertKit subscribers, leave the "Tag Name" field blank. You may also change this later, or use Filters and Template Actions to cherry pick which types of subscribers to include or exclude from your Fomo notifications.
Step 4 - You're Done!
After saving your ConvertKit connection inside Fomo, we'll automatically import recent subscribers. Going forward, all new subscribers will be turned into Fomo notifications as well.
You may customize the messaging of your notifications from the Notifications > ConvertKit Template > Edit, enable customer avatars, and more.