How to connect Typeform
Typeform is an easy to use tool for collecting data, feedback and more.
Connecting Typeform to your Fomo account takes a few seconds, and requires no coding experience.
Step 1 - Connect Fomo
When logged into Fomo, navigate to the Notifications tab, click 'Add Notifications' and find Typeform by inputting "typeform" in the instant search field.
Click 'Connect', and this will open a box that will prompt you to sign in to Typeform:

Once logged in, you will see a message like this:

Click accept and bam! You're connected with Fomo and we can start importing your responses.
Step 2 - Select your form
Fomo pulls your form responses and lets you take control of what info is displayed in your events.
First thing we need to know is which form you would like to integrate with Fomo.
Sign into Typeform and you'll be taken to your workspace. There you'll see all of the forms in your account. Choose which one you want to integrate and click on it.

Visit the 'Share' tab at the top of your page.

Your form id is located at the end of the share url.

Lets copy it ("znZDog" in this case) and paste it over on your Fomo Integration page:

Once you click the "save" button, you'll see 2 additional form inputs appear under the Form ID input. Continue onto the next step for instructions on how to connect these.
Step 3 - Configuring your settings
You'll see a Template Variables and Field Options dropdown. Use these to teach Fomo what responses you want to share.
For example: On my form, I ask for a company's name:
"My company's name is..."
Here's what I would connect for this:

Remember to click "Add".
Now Fomo knows where to find the company name when new Typeform responses are sent to our server.
Repeat Step 3 for all of the form inputs you want to surface via your Fomo Events.
Hit "Save" and we are good to go!
Step 4 - Customize your Events
If you visit your Templates you can customize your Fomo events to look and feel any way you want:

You can use those variables you created in Step 3 (in our example above, "company" is now available as a variable for my notification message).
After adding several more variables, my events now look something like this.

Step 5 - Connect other forms
Have more forms to connect?
For each new form, navigate to Notifications > Typeform and click "connect new":

Follow steps 1 through 4 for each form.
Note: Only the variables you connect will be available for use in your Fomo notification message. For example, if we connect the following variables from our Typeform:

We did not include a city form input, so we cannot include "#{{ city }}" in my Fomo notification message.
Step 5 - You're Done!
Fomo will immediately import recent form responses from Typeform. With our shiny new webhook, all new responses will instantly be surfaced as events on your site.
Every form is different. So make sure to leverage Fomo's dope customization options. Heres a link to learn more.
Feel free to customize your variables further via our Template Filters.