How to connect Active Visitors

Active Visitors provides a way to show how many customers are currently viewing your site. You may aggregate visitors on a per page or site-wide basis.

Step 1 - Enable Active Visitors

Navigate to Notifications, click 'Add Notifications', search for Active Visitors and click Connect.

Step 2 - Configure Your Active Visitors Settings and Template

Once you've enabled the Active Visitors integration, you'll be able to customize your settings as well as the message you'd like to show in your notifications.

Step 3 - You're Done!

Fomo will now start counting number of visitors across your site on a rolling 30 minute basis.

Advanced Features

By default Fomo is configured to count visitors site wide.  To turn this off, toggle 'count visitors across all pages' off.

This will disable counting across the entire site, and enable counting on a per page basis. In other words, if 10 people were on your About page, and 15 were on a Pricing page, different values will be shown to visitors on each URL.

You can also set a threshold for the minimum number of visitors. This feature dictates whether Fomo notifications should be hidden, which is useful for late night hours.

Note: Active Visitors shows notifications outside of the standard flow of reverse-chronological Fomo events. 

To control the frequency of Active Visitors, you can modify the time value in Show notification every X seconds.

This will govern how often the Active Visitors generated events will appear to visitors on your website.

Inline Option

You can also active Active Visitors with Fomo Inline . Please note that if you add the Active Visitors Fomo Inline snippet on your webpage, the Active Visitor notifications will automatically be toggled off.

Achieve more magic with HTML & META tags

Active Visitor integration allows you to use some HTML properties and show them inside the Fomo notification. 

html_title  : This will output content of html > head > title  attribute.
html_first_h1: This will output content of first h1  tag in the HTML document. 

Three Fomo Filters work with the Active Visitors integration:

  • default 

  • trim_after 

  • trim_before 

Here is an example of these filters applied to the "html_* " variables:

**#{{ visitor_count }} users** are checking out #{{ html_title | trim_before [ | ] | fallback [this page]}}

Visitor aggregation

Visitors from multiple pages can be aggregated together via HTML meta attribute. With this strategy you can achieve a notification like 

452 users are currently checking out our T-shirts section

Add the following meta properties inside your HTML > HEAD . URL should contain parent URL of the existing page. 

<meta property="fomo:group_url" content="">

Custom titles

You can also use fomo:title property which can be injected into the Fomo notification via template variable: #{{ html_meta_fomo_title }}:

<meta property="fomo:title" content="T-Shirts" >

Custom images

You can show different image for each page via fomo:image_url property:

<meta property="fomo:image_url" content="" >
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