Should I connect Instant Form or Instant Action?

Our Fomo Instant integration allows you to capture specific user behavior on your site like clicks and form submissions.
It's a useful alternative when you have behavior that isn't stored in a platform among our 100+ native integrations.
So which should you use?
Instant Form
See here for a full explanation + instructions for Instant Form. Instant Form will generate a Fomo notification for each form submission.
Perhaps you have a contact form, subscriber form, or checkout form -- each form submission shows off interest in your product/service.
Use Instant Form to map over each form input like name, city, product selection, etc. Each time a visitor submits the form on your site, their input will generate a new Fomo notification using these mapped variables.
Instant Action
See here for a full explanation + instructions for Instant Action. Instant Action will generate a Fomo notification for either (i) a click or (ii) a URL reached.
Instant Action does not come with variables (besides timestamps). They are best used for a Fomo notification like "Someone just asked about X", "Someone is interested in Y", etc.