How to connect Fomo with Stamped is a product review platform for ecommerce stores.
Connecting your Stamped product reviews with Fomo is easy, and does not require any coding experience.
Step 1 - Enable Stamped
While logged in to Fomo, navigate to Notifications, click ‘Add Notifications’, then ‘All Notifications’. Search for 'Stamped' and click to open the integration.
In the resulting connect page, fill in the minimum star rating field to your desired ratings threshold.
Fill in the store url field. If you are on Shopify, your Store URL should include "myshopify". If you are not on Shopify, simply input your entire homepage URL, including "https" and "www" if applicable. Click the green 'continue' button.

Find your API keys within your Stamped account (Dashboard > Settings > API Keys). If you are on Shopify, you can skip this step:

3. You're done!
Going forward, new Stamped product reviews will be imported to your Fomo event feed and shown on your website in real-time.

To edit the message structure of your Fomo notifications, simply visit the Notifications tab while logged into Fomo, locate the Stamped template, and click 'edit'.