How to connect to Kindful
This article gives an overview of the Fomo integration with Kindful, and shows you how to connect Fomo to your Kindful account.
Step 1
Sign up for a Fomo Non-Profit account here. We will quickly get back to you with details on how to use your new Fomo account.
Step 2
While logged into Fomo, navigate to Notifications, click ‘Add Notifications’, then ‘All Notifications’. Search for 'Kindful' and click to open the integration.
Click 'Connect' and you will be taken to to login. Once that's done, we're done!
Step 3
Phew, now you've set up Kindful and Fomo.
Wherever you plant your Fomo snippet, you will begin to see a live stream of new donations sent to your Fomo event feed, from Kindful.

To edit the message structure of your Fomo notifications, simply visit the Notifications tab while logged into Fomo, locate the Kindful template, and click 'edit'. Note: feel free to rename this template as well.
Extra Step
The default fund in Kindful is called General. You can use Fomo to change the name to anything you want. Locate your Kindful template by clicking the Templates tab, then click on the Actions tab.

You can then program Fomo to automatically change the name to something better. Copy this form below. Change 'this...' to the name of the fund you really want to use.
Click "add action + " to save.