How to connect Custom Roundups

Enabling Roundups for any integration takes just a few seconds and requires no coding experience. If you use Shopify, BigCommerce, Neto, or WooCommerce, see this article instead.
What are Roundups?
A Fomo feature that lets you "sum together" all of a specific type of behavior on your website, into a single Fomo notification.
Three individual notifications like:
"John just bought ..."
"Sarah just bought..."
"Ryan just bought..."
Become this:
"3 people just bought ... in the last XX hours"
You may set up a Roundup for as many integrations as you'd like. This does not affect existing Fomo notifications, it simply adds new "aggregate" notifications to your queue.
Step 1 - Select a Source Template
Navigate to Notifications and scroll down or search for Custom Roundups. Then, click to Connect.
You'll see a dropdown -- select a notification template to count the events in the last 24 hours.

The "Source Template" is information you'd like to show off in aggregate. For example, if you are showing off individual product purchases with Shopify, or email signups through Mailchimp, you would select that template from this dropdown.
Note: You can only connect notifications where there are individual events. Active Visitors and Page Stream are not available since these notifications already aggregate events.
Fomo's Templates vs Events article explains in more detail how templates and variables work.
Step 2 - Edit template

Tailor the template to your content, for example: #{{ count }} people signed up in the last 24 hours
or #{{ count }} visitors made a purchase in the last 24 hours
The template message must include #{{ count }}
We suggest having "Hours to Look Back" set to the default 24 hours, but you may input up to 168 hours (or, 1 weeks worth of data).
Fomo will produce a Roundup every 10 minutes for each of your configured Custom Roundups.
Step 3 - Enable the notification

Just toggle and you're done!

For example, if you input 24 hours, we will aggregate all Fomo notifications from the last 24 hours, every 10 minutes.

You do not need to manually delete "old" Roundups, Fomo will do this for you automatically.
Heads up!
Again, the template in Step 2 must have the variable #{{ count }} for the integration to work. This variable will be automatically be updated every 10 minutes.
You can now opt for your roundup notification to only aggregate and display based on a specific page's URL by specifying an "aggregate URL".