How to connect Fomo with Jabio by Sitejabber

Jabio by Sitejabber is the leading destination for customer ratings and reviews of businesses.

If you host business reviews on Jabio, you can connect your account with Fomo to showcase new reviews on your website in real-time.

Step 1 - Enable Jabio by Sitejabber

While logged in to Fomo, visit Notifications > Add Notification > All Notifications, and search 'Jabio' or 'Sitejabber'.

Click 'Connect'.

On the resulting connect page, copy your business domain name into the 'Business Domain' field. (e.g. and then set a minimum star rating for to filter what's imported.

Click the orange 'continue' button.

Step 2 - You're Done!

Wherever you've planted your Fomo snippet, you will begin to see a live stream of new reviews sent to your Fomo event feed from Jabio by Sitejabber.

To edit the message structure of your Fomo notifications, simply go to the Notifications tab, locate your Jabio by Sitejabber template, and click 'edit'.

All future reviews will automatically be imported and turned into Fomo notifications.

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