Enable Language Translations

Fomo has translation capabilities for 27 languages including Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. 

Once configured, translations can be configured so that end users browsing your website can see Fomo notifications in the default language set in their browser (not their location).

If you don't want multiple language support, you can follow these instructions.

If you don't see your desired language in our current options, we can add it for you. If you are using RTL scripts please let us know at hello@fomo.com, as this can also be enabled through a quick CSS modification.

Step 1 - Select Default Language

The first step to enabling translations is selecting your default language from under the Settings > Advanced tab. There is a drop-down menu near the bottom where you can select from a list:

Step 2 - Enabled User's Preferred Language (Optional)

Next you can toggle enable 'Translate to users preferred language'. This will cause your Fomo notifications to automatically translate to the preferred language of your user's browser, as long as you've added that language in the next step.

Enable the feature as shown above, and then hit 'Save'. Now you can head over to your templates for the last step.

Step 3 - Add a Template For Every Language

Access your templates either by visiting the Notifications tab, or clicking on an enabled integration, and scrolling down to see the associated templates.

Once you've selected your desired template, click into the 'translations' tab.

Now you can configure your translations (it's possible to configure multiple translations per template) and then hit 'Save'.  

Important note: variables (text in between "{{ }}") can remain in English. The remaining text of your notification message should be in the selected language. For instance:

{{ first_name | fallback [Someone] }} in {{ city | fallback [somewhere cool] }}, {{ province | fallback [] }} bought {{ title_with_link | fallback [something] }} {{ time_ago }}

Should be changed to:

{{ first_name | fallback [Someone] }} en {{ city | fallback [somewhere cool] }}, {{ province | fallback [] }} compró {{ title_with_link | fallback [something] }} {{ time_ago }}

The reason we don't translate the static text for you is that dictionary translations often don't translate well.

You're all set!

If you have any questions or would like some help, please reach out to us via live chat or through our support email hello@fomo.com.

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