Change your Fomo Notification Default Language
If you'd like to add multiple language support and translate Fomo notifications to the visitor's browser's preferred language, please check out this guide.
If you want all Fomo notifications to be in one language other than English, continue reading.
You can switch your default language by going to Settings > Advanced > Languages & Translations:
When you turn on translations, we translate dynamic text to your preferred language. This includes time periods, text like "page" and "website" for certain integrations, and time ago stamps (e.g. "just now", "30 minutes ago").
Please note: the static part of your notification message still needs to be adjusted by you.
To do this, please navigate to each of your Templates and edit your notification messages accordingly.
For example, if you wanted all notifications to be in Portuguese, you would change this:
{{ first_name | fallback [Someone] }} in {{ city }}, {{ province }} bought {{ title_with_link }} {{ time_ago }}
To something like this:
{{ first_name | fallback [Alguém] }} a {{ city }}, {{ province }} comprou {{ title_with_link }} {{ time_ago }}
Variables (text in between "{{}}") such as {{ time_ago }} can remain in English, as they will be auto-translated by Fomo.
The reason we don't change the static text is that direct translations sometimes don't hold well (especially with colloquial wording).
You only need to adjust this once. Going forward, each event (sale, subscription, etc.) will automatically generate with your updated notification message.
As mentioned before, check out this article if you want to handle multiple languages based on the visitor's language browser setting.