Only show certain products on specific pages

NOTE: If you simply want to mass scope all of your product-related Fomo notifications by product page (ex. show "X bought red shoes" only on your red shoes product page), you can do this in one click through the Page Stream notification. This is the easiest and best solution for most users.

But if you want something more custom, read on...

Page Rules are how you're able to show or hide certain templates on specific pages. 

An example of a Page Rule is:

"IF user is on URL path that contains '/products', THEN only show 'Ecommerce Sales' Template"

Where 'Ecommerce Sales' is the name of the notification you've set up for your sales.

Because page rules work on the template level, they won't work as a standalone solution when trying to show certain products on certain pages. For instance, if you wanted to show red shoes sales on your red shoes product page, you'd need a Page Rule like this:

"IF user is on URL path that contains '/red-shoes', THEN only show 'Red Shoes Sales' Template"

In order to achieve this, you need a template that contains all your Red Shoes events. Let's cover how to do this.

We're going to use ClickFunnels as an example, but the general flow is the same for all of our notiifications.

Step 1 - Create a new ClickFunnels template (inside Fomo > Notifications > Clickfunnels > "connect new"):

Fomo Integration 2023-04-28 at 2.29.03 PM

If you don't see a 'connect new' button when you click into an already-connected notification, this means that the notification does not support multiple connections. If this is the case, navigate to Notifications > Rest API > "connect new" to create a fresh template. 

Important: Do not delete your existing ClickFunnels connection. This connection will be the source of data that copies and filters product-specific Events to all other templates.

Step 2 -  Rename the newly generated template to the specific product's name being sold, ie "ClickFunnels Purchase --> Nature Encyclopedia purchase".
You can access your templates by clicking into the side-bar menu on the right and selecting 'Templates':

Step 3 - Set up your new Template. Set up the messaging, images, and settings of your new template.

Step 4 - Direct data to your new Template. Your new template needs to be fed with product-specific data from your existing ClickFunnels integration.

Back in your parent Template (i.e. "ClickFunnels Purchase"), add a Template Action ("Actions" tab) that directs specific product titles to your child ("ClickFunnels Purchase --> Nature Encyclopedia purchase") template, like this:

Tip: If you aren't sure what your variable's value is (e.g. "Nature" in the above example), go to your Events tab > hover over an event > click on "Edit" and you can see the exact value of every variable.

You've just created a product-specific template!:

Step 5 - Create a Page Rule. Now you want to make sure your URL page only shows notifications from your product-specific template. 

Click on the "Rules" tab. Here, you can set a specific URL path to only show off Events filtered to your new Template from Step 2:

Step 6 -  Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for each product. Now, visitors on your specified page paths will only see notifications for products purchased within that product's context.

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