New! Automatic Plan Updates

Have you ever received one of these messages in Fomo?

Fomo Dashboard 2023-05-23 at 10.40.58 PM

You would likely have received one or two emails warnings that you were nearing your Fomo plan notification limit before you got this - but you get hundreds of emails each day, right? You don't have time to read every single one from every software service you're using.

But now... now visitors to your website aren't getting any social proof of how amazing your product is! They aren't seeing the latest customer reviews, or seeing that new Low Inventory notification that will push them from being a website visitor to being your latest loyal customer.

You're losing money.

The team here at Fomo wanted to make sure you're not leaving conversions on the table just because you reached your notification limit. We put our heads together and came up with:

Auto Upgrades!

Rather than having to make the time to login to your Fomo admin and manually upgrade your plan, you can simply toggle Auto Upgrades to ON on your Account page.

Instead of Fomo no longer displaying when you hit 20,000 or 100,000 notifications, after an email warning at 80% of your notification limit when you hit 100% you'll automatically be upgraded to the next plan tier with no interruption to your notifications and no interruption to your conversions from social proof!

The card on file for billing will be charged at the time of the upgrade. Please note that this is for users who pay on Stripe only (as Shopify users do not have a card on file). You can always go back to your Account page and downgrade your plan for the next month - but we suggest giving the new plan a try for a month or two - Fomo pays for itself in increased sales.

More notifications = more sales!

Want to give it a try? Go to the Account icon and select the Plan tab:

Fomo Plan 2023-05-23 at 11.05.43 PM
Fomo Plan 2023-05-23 at 11.07.41 PM

Have questions about what plan is right for you? Want some tips on managing your notification budget with Capture Ratios or Display Settings? Our support team is happy to help! Chat with us or email

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