How to cancel your Fomo account
We don't play tricks with your money -- see below for instructions to cancel your Fomo subscription in seconds.
Step 0 - Ecommerce store, or subscribed via Paypal?
If you installed Fomo through the Shopify, BigCommerce, LightSpeed, WooCommerce, or Ecwid app marketplaces, simply delete Fomo from your ecommerce admin portal and billing will cancel immediately:
If you pay for Fomo through Paypal, follow this simple guide to immediately cancel your subscription, then (optionally) email us so we can disable reminder alerts.
Otherwise, if you connected Fomo by signing up at, see below.
Step 1 - Visit your Fomo Profile
While logged in, click the orange logo at the bottom left of your screen and then click 'Account'.

Step 2 - Cancel your Subscription
Click into the 'Plan' tab once you're inside your Account, and then scroll down a bit.
You'll see something under "Available Plans" that looks like the below, just click 'cancel plan' and your billing subscription will be cancelled immediately.

Note, you must be the primary subscription owner for this option to appear!
If you are an invited team member, just ask the person who invited you to log in and cancel instantly.
(Wondering why it works this way? Team member accounts have "free" plans, thus billing is tied only to the team owner.)
Additionally, if you answered yes to the questions in Step 0, you will not see this button. Please refer to Step 0's instructions above.
Furthermore, if you are on an old, grandfathered plan, your cancellation button will be in grey, located just above the list of other available plans:

Step 3 - You're done!
Your subscription will remain active until the final day of your billing period, but you will not be charged again.