How to cancel PayPal

In order to cancel PayPal, you will have to login to your PayPal account.

Step 1 - Log into your PayPal account

If you have multiple PayPal accounts, remember to log into the account you use for Fomo payments.

Step 2 - Find your recurring payments

Navigate to Tools > Recurring Payments on the top menu bar:

Step 3 - Locate your Fomo subscription

Click on the hyperlink to view "My preapproved payments":

You'll be directed to a table with all of your recurring subscriptions. You should find and click on the Fomo payment within this table, which looks like this:

Click on the Fomo subscription.

Step 4 - Cancel the subscription

You'll see your Fomo subscription details. Click on the "cancel" link:

You've now successfully cancelled your Fomo account. Billing will stop and you will have access to your Fomo account until the end of your current billing cycle.

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