Why isn't my Theme Editor selection working?
At Fomo brand is important. Our Theme Editor provides a no-code way to alter the look of your Fomo notifications:

If you find that an edit does not take effect live on your website immediately, here are a couple things to check out:
1. Wait a minute, then run a hard refresh of your browser
While a theme update should take effect immediately, your browser may still be lazy-loading your old Fomo settings (which contain your old theme settings).
You can try doing a hard refresh of your browser by:
Hold down Shift and click the Reload button
Hold down Command, Shift and click the 'R' key
You can also try going to "#{{ yourwebsite }}.com?reset=fomo" once. this should effectively refresh your webpage, as well as the Fomo snippet on your webpage.
2. Your website may have an existing CSS theme that overrides your Fomo theme selections
Technical users can confirm this by investigating the CSS of a live Fomo notification from the Developer Console. Check out our guide on custom CSS overrides, complete with several examples of common issues.
Non-technical users can reach out to hello@fomo.com for help.
Users with conflicting CSS issues can make use of our Custom CSS Editor.