Why can't I see my Fomo changes live?

Did you make some changes within your Fomo account but can't see them yet on your live site?

Here are some troubleshooting steps to figure out why this might be happening.

Step 1

Have you clicked "X" on a Fomo notification while browsing your website?

You may have selected the option that blocks Fomo notifications from showing up for 24 hours for a particular user if they have X'ed out of a notification (see Settings > Actions > Allow users to close Fomo notifications).

If so, you simply need to purge your cache. Continue on to Step 2 for more on this.

Step 2

Your personal web browser may not be picking up recent changes because it's caching old page content. Please try to clear your browser cache.

You can also try adding the "?reset=fomo" or "?fomo=preview" to your site's URL to clear your local storage:


(ex. https://www.myawesomestore.com?reset=fomo)

You can also try viewing your website in incognito mode or on a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).

Step 3

This step is only for users who are using WordPress.

WordPress caches heavily and you may have to manually purge your WordPress cache in order to see your Fomo changes.

Please check out our guide on how to purge your WordPress cache.

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