Display Fomo Notifications in a Specific Order with Flows
Several Fomo users have reached out to us about wanting to fine-tune how visitors to their site see notifications. Until now, we've recommended using Capture Ratio to show more of some notifications and fewer of others. This is a good tool! But it still didn't allow full control over which notifications were seen first, or allow you to create a logical order of notifications.
Introducing .... Flows!
With Flows you can now define exactly which notifications are shown when!
Turn it on in your Fomo settings here:

Toggle the button on and then click 'edit':

Drag and drop your templates into the order you wish them to appear:

Click 'Save' in the top right corner and that's it!
When you add new templates you can add them using the drop down menu at the bottom of the page.
Some inspiration for using Flows
Get Newsletter sign-ups
Display the Announcement notification first, with a Call to Action to sign up for your Newsletter.
Display the Mailchimp notification that someone just signed up for your newsletter.
Display a Purchase notification.
If you offer a discount code to newsletter subscribers, you can include that in your purchase notification like this:

Did you come up with a unique way to use flows? Share it with us! Email hello@fomo.com